All I Want for Christmas...

That crazy time of year has already begun.  The shops are slowly beginning to stock Christmas wrapping paper, cards, candles and all things red, green, gold, glittery and shimmery for the Festive season.  We've barely finished the Easter eggs (I can never eat them in one sitting) and now we are onto the next celebration!

My daughter was 8 months old when she had her 1st Christmas.  At the time it was very important to me that she had a special and memorable 1st Christmas but in all honesty, she wouldn't remember it even if I showed her photos and videos to jog her memory.  If she claimed that she could remember then I would very quickly get her signed up to Mensa.  Those retailers that sell the cute baby Christmas outfits are laughing all the way to the bank...

We are heading off to South Africa for Christmas this year and as she will be 2 1/2 I think she will appreciate Christmas far more and actually be excited to see what she what toys and other wonderful things she has been lucky enough to be given on Christmas morning. 

Of course I don't want Father Christmas to completely short change her due to his weight allowances of flying all the way to Africa instead of to the UK so I've created a fab list of light weight gift ideas at Babyhuddle, all of which I think she will love.

Now Father Christmas has a very easy job this year because all he has to do is go to the list that I created at Babyhuddle, click on an item, add it to his cart, pay (he has to pay because he hasn't made the toys directly in his factory this year) and that is his shopping complete for my daughter!  No writing to decipher or lists to try and keep tucked away safely as it's all stored safely online.  The toys and books will be sent straight to him to put into his Christmas sack to bring over to my daughter for Christmas morning in Cape Town.  Either that or he can send it straight to me and I'll pop it in my luggage and save him the trip!

Why not head over to Babyhuddle and create your own list for your little one for Christmas and send it to Grandparents and other family and friends too who can buy things that Father Christmas can't put into his sack?   I'd ask them to get in touch with mommy or daddy once they've ordered anything so that it can be taken off the list so that little one doesn't end up with 5 of the same thing!

Happy pre-Christmas shopping.



  1. This is a well thought out present list.It was great meeting you at Blog Camp.

    1. Thank you! I love making lists. I make lists for lists! I'm sure we will meet up again at on of the other camps or events. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful food art.

  2. Gosh is it that time of year already?! You sound extremely organised! Im sure you'll give her lots of Christmas lovely memories. Sweet post.

    1. I saw my first Christmas tree last night. Can you believe it? It made me feel a bit weird... I try to be organised but sometimes end up making lists for lists which is a bit counter productive :)


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