Schwartz Smokey Texan Marinade Chicken with Roast Veg and Pearl Barley

I'm working my way through a rather delicious selection of Schwartz herbs, spices and marinades. I love my food to be hearty, balanced and full of flavour. I also like to try new things so am happily 'making do' with what I have in the fridge. My latest creation is Smokey Texan Marinaded grilled chicken breasts with a selection of roasted vegetables and pearl barley. Pearl barley (the stuff you usually find in hearty soups and stews) is my latest favourite accompaniment. If I could eat it on it's own as a meal, I would. That's how much I love it. The Smokey Texan Marinade sauce is really easy to make as you combine the sachet contents with 50ml oil, 75ml water, mix it all up then pour over the meat to marinate it. I had chicken breasts in the fridge so I used these instead of beef or pork which are the other two meat suggestions. Schwartz recommend to leave the meat over night to marinate but I only left it for about five hours. It...