Like Mother, Like Daughter
My daughter loves bees. Fact. So much so that I have taped a number of The Hive episodes on my Sky+ and have also bought her The Bee Movie just in case she gets a sudden craving to see her favourite bee friends. She also attempted to chase a number of bumble bees during the week of British summer thinking that it was friendly little Buzz Bee from the Hive. The hot weather had made them very lethargic so they were cruising around just above the level of the grass but lucky for them were just fast enough to get out of the reach of a curious toddler. Too precious for words! I guess that it all started with the Bugaboo Bee that she zooms around in. She also has a LittleLife Bee backpack that she adores and so when one of her little friends turned one in June and his mommy chose a party theme of Summer Bugs, I knew EXACTLY what little one would wear. A bee outfit!!! She would love it! Just about as quickly as I had come up with this fabulously exicting idea, I hopped o