The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Toddler Truth...
My nearly three year old daughter is developing the most wonderful kind and caring nature. She also has a strong sense of what is right and wrong and has developed the beautiful, although sometimes slightly embarrassing, trait of just saying how it is. I sometimes wish I could get away with half the things that she says but the need to not tread on toes or get people's backs up is always at the forefront of my mind. I can spend hours listening to her too because most of the things that she says actually makes so much sense. I've written down a few of the gems that my daughter has come up with, both so that I never forget them an so that I can share her completely honest and innocent views and put a smile on a few more faces. Little one's views on my driving... "Phew! We made it". This said after I parked the car outside of her nursery before drop off. I drive ridiculously carefully with her in the car so I think that this little seed may have been p