It's time to slow the blog down...
It will come as no surprise to those of you who stumble across my blog that I have near as darnit fallen off the face of the planet. My blogging mojo has unfortunately been a bit squashed under the pressure to produce informative and quirky posts a couple of times a week. To be honest, I'm really not that interesting and although I do come up with the odd occasional gem, I don't really think I'm that funny; a little quirky but not one to send you into side splitting fits of laughter. Do I capture the attention of my audience? I'm not sure, as I write for myself and if anyone follows my blog and comes back for more, I see it as a happy little by-product of my ramblings. It does, of course, make me feel just a teensy bit giddy with pride and joy at what I've created and that people can react positively to what I've written. It's flattering and does spur me on to improve on this skill. That naturally follows on to the topic that, like most people in th